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How to use LivingSocial voucher codes?
-- Choose the code of your choice at then go to LivingSocial.
-- Use the Ongoing offer for your discount code and click "Add to Bag" or "Add to your shopping cart".
-- When you're done shopping online, click the "your basket" that found at the top right and then click "Review & Checkout".
-- Just move your page to foot of page and you will see "Enter a voucher code" or "Have a promo code?" and the box where you can type in or paste your voucher codes. And click "Apply Code", your total will then be adjusted accordingly.
-- Select your payment method and enter your card number or other payment method, such as paypal. Then choose your billing address.
-- Now just check out and clicking "Secure Checkout" to finish your order.
-- Your happy shopping done!!!
Livingsocial headquarters in Washington,D.C., is the second largest United States group buying website next to Groupon. LivingSocial has 6 different office locations in Washington, D.C., with more than 1000 employees. The founder and CEO is Tim O 'Shaughnessy. The young man from Minnesota, US, is said to have a business mind from an early age. At the age of 8, O 'Shaughnessy persuaded a small partner to sell sweets with each month's pocket money and then sell it locally. 2004 graduated from the Georgetown University in Washington, and he has a double degree in marketing and information management, and O 'Shaughnessy found a job with great reputation in AOL. After two years of working at AOL headquarters, O'Shaughnessy joined the newly founded medical care site -Revolution Health.This website has been growing rapidly, with the number of employees reaching 280 people. This experience is very important for O 'Shaughnessy, and also lays the foundation for the establishment of Livingsocial in the future.
Although the mode of group purchase is very similar, the successful group purchase website is not much. Livingsocial service in each city, each working day to launch a group buying information,group purchase of goods or services at least 50% off. Shoppers who take part in group buying activities do not have to pay any fees. Livingsocial charges about 30% of the royalty from them, and users can activate and use voucher codes after the end of group buying transaction.
Users can log on to Livingsocial website or get group buying information via e-mail, and they will receive vouchers at 10a.m. second days after the purchase is successful. They can choose to print vouchers and download vouchers to Google Android phones or apple iPhone, iPad,and iTouch devices.
The difference between Livingsocial and Groupon is that Livingsocial does not set the minimum group buying number.Users don't have to worry about the chance of losing their preferences because of the small number of group purchases. In addition, in order to encourage more users to take part in the group buying, Livingsocial has also launched a"promotion for free" model. After buying group purchase products,users can send group purchase links to their friends. If three friends are attracted to Livingsocial, then users can enjoy free products. After the success of group buying in the field of catering, Livingsocial constantly tries new service projects, including museums, SPA massage, even indoor parachuting. Livingsocial group buying project is more and more ingenious. In October 2010, Livingsocial acquired the New York outdoor adventure vacation company urban Escapes to launch a leisure holiday service for young people in the big cities of the United States. Livingsocial in Britain to continue to grow, now Livingsocial is already one of Britain's most famous group purchase website,there are about hundreds of thousands of customers to visit the whether it is household products, electronic products,tourism projects or health products, you can find the cheapest price in Livingsocial. Finally, the website will often publish some of the hottest Livingsocial discount codes, you can use these voucher codes to buy any type of products, and some products can also enjoy free delivery service.